I am a full-stack web developer currently seeking a full time opportunity for employment in this field. I recently completed a six month, intensive, full stack coding bootcamp at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Prior to this course, I had a very basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript aquired from free, online resources including Coursera, Free Code Camp, and Codecademy. After completing this cource, I now have the skills to confidently call my self a Full-Stack Developer. During my tenure at the UNC coding bootcamp, we covered a wide range of subjects including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, API's, AJAX, JSON, Firebase, Node.js, mySql, Sequelize, Express, RESTful APIs, MongoDB, Mongoose, Scraping, Testing, TDD, React, C#, ASP.net, Algorighms, GIT, and much more. I have been able to use this knowledge combined with my other skills, interests and creativity to create some applications that I am proud to show off, especially considering I could barely write a basic HTML/CSS page when i began the UNC course in June 2017. Since graduating I have completed several freelance projects, and am currently working as a independant junior developer for Daughtridge Sales. This opportunity is giving me the experience of working as part of a team developing an online catalog / sales platform using a stack that includes Vue.Js, Firebase, and Node.Js. Please browse through my portfolio, view my RESUME, and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
This Full-Stack application was specially build as a part of a two person team for a friend who owns an organic and was our final major project for the UNC coding bootcamp.
This Full-Stack application was custom built alone for my employer and as my second major project for the UNC coding bootcamp.
This is the public website for Daughtridge Sales Co. As a contract Web Developer for this company, I created many of the UI components for this site.
This Front-End application was built as part of a three person team for our first major project during the UNC coding bootcamp.
This Front-End Website was built solo to promote myself as a webdeveloper and musician.
This Website was built using wordpress for a good friend and very accomplished musician who needed a personal website on a budget and in a very short period of time to promote an upcoming record release.